Products & Services Catalog

About Industrial Battery Products (IBP)

H istory IBP started in the Motive Power industry on August 1, 1977. Our humble beginnings included a small sales and service center in St. Louis, MO with our territory covering Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois. Over the past 45 years, we have grown into six locations and have expanded into the Critical Power and EV Charging markets.

O ur M ission Learn | Serve | Grow

R eal P eople , R eal V alues Our core principles have led IBP to national recognition as an authority on motive power, critical power and EV charging.

D iversity We respect the differences among team members, customers, and communities. We take advantage of different perspectives, and leverage diversity as a competitive advantage. P assion We are passionate about our business. We show pride in our brands by serving our customers through the high quality of our products and services. We value, promote, and fiercely protect our reputation. H umility We are selfless, and are driven first by concern for others. We are open to change and continuous improvement, and seek and provide honest feedback. We value openness and the curiosity to learn from anyone, anywhere.

P ositive A ttitude We help people to be their best by providing coaching and feedback, and work with others as a team to accomplish results. We don’t focus on what “we can’t do”. We focus on what “we can do”. We are creative and find a way to accomplish the goal.

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