Products & Services Catalog


Accessories & Consumables (cont)

Battery Shine (CBS-250)

Magic Powder (ST-901)

y Non-foaming degreasing agent neutralizes acid deposits and buildup y Breaks down grease and oil y Accelerates settling process in waste treatment P roduct F eatures

y Flocculant formula y Accelerates settling and separation in Wastewater Treatment System (WWTS), allows for white glove disposal P roduct F eatures

5 Gallon Spill Kit (CBS-4329) and Spill Kit Bag (CBS-3056)

I ncludes

y HAZMAT bonded heavyweight pads y HAZMAT absorbent socks y Multizorb universal sorbent y Clear disposable bag

y Hazardous Waste Labels & Ties y Nylon storage bag

1-89 | 888.813.5636

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